+91-9718642444        info@indusvalleynoida.in

Rules and Regulations



 1.    It is mandatory for all the students to bring the Almanac to school everyday.

2.    The student should affix his/her photograph and fill in the required information, duly signed by the parents, in the space provided in the Almanac.

3.    School timings and timetable must be followed strictly. Late comers will not be allowed.

4.    Students who come to school by their own conveyance should reach school five minutes before the bell rings.

5.    It is compulsory for all to attend the morning assembly. Students should reach the assembly promptly after the bell rings. No student is allowed to sit in the class on the pretext of illness. If not well, he/she should not come to school.

6.    Students must be proud of their school and feel honoured in singing the School Song and the National Anthem.

7.    The ringing of the bell in the morning is a signal for students to assemble immediately in complete silence. As soon as they get back to their classes, they should keep their books ready for the first period.

8.    The school uniform, only in prescribed school colour, should be immaculate, clean and smart, and should be worn on all working days and school functions. In winters, School blazer is compulsory. Action will be taken against students who are habitually improperly dressed.

9.    Boys should have neatly trimmed hair and girls should either cut their hair short or neatly tie in plaits. The school does not permit students to wear kohl in the eyes and body piercing done by boys.

10.  Name, Class, Section and Admission No. must be clearly marked on all the belongings of students.

11.  Special care must be taken of all school property. Do not litter. Use the garbage bins. Do not scratch or spoil the desks, chairs and charts or damage school furniture. Do not scribble anything on the walls or damage things/belongings of others.

12.  Damage or breakage done even accidently should be reported to the class teacher. The students will be required to pay for any damage done to school property. The school reserves the right to suspend/expel students whose conduct is harmful for other students or to the school.

13.  The school strictly prohibits any public display of affection. Appropriate action will be taken in case of any violation of the same. Display of violence in any form inside or outside the school is strictly prohibited.

14.  Students are not allowed to use the school telephone without the permission of the Principal. They will not be called to answer phone calls during school hours.

15.  Students are not permitted to leave the school premises during the school hours without prior permission of the Principal or the Co-ordinator.

16.  Students must move in an orderly manner while they are moving from one place to another in the school premises.

17.  Students are not allowed to carry mobile phones, valuable items or gadgets inside the school premises. If it is found during the search, the same will be confiscated and strict disciplinary action will be taken.

18.  Students are allowed to use the school canteen during break time only.

19.  Misbehaviour inside the school premises or in the school conveyance may also lead to disciplinary action against the concerned student. Objectionable behaviour, discourtesy and disrespect to the teachers and peers, disobedience and irregular attendance will also lead to strict disciplinary action.

20.  It is the responsibility of the students to submit the classwork/homework on time for correction. The notebooks will not be corrected by the teacher if submitted beyond the stipulated time and will be marked 'Late Submission'.

21.  Students should not lend or borrow any article or money from each other.

22.  The school reserves the right to dismiss or take disciplinary action against the students whose performance in studies is unsatisfactory or who violates the rules of the school.

23.  Students are not allowed to come to school in a self-driven vehicle (i.e. car or bike).

24.  Habitual late comers, uniform defaulters, fee defaulters and students who do not do their home work regularly will be sent home after three warnings.

25.  If a student is found loitering around during the regular teaching period, he/she will be punished as per school rules.

26.  Speaking in English is compulsory in the school premises to acquire a good command over the English language.

27.  As the school motto is 'Education Renders Politeness', IVPS students should observe polite behaviour wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should greet their teachers when they meet them. Bullying and use of foul language is prohibited and punishable as per school rules.




1.    It is compulsory for all students to achieve 75% attendance before every exam, to make them eligible for final examination.

2.    Students who have been sick for more than three days should bring a medical certificate from their doctor at the time of re-joining the school.

3.    Parents should fill up the "Leave Record" for each day the student is absent from school stating the reason for absence.

4.    A student who has been absent on the previous day will not be admitted to the class without a letter from the parent addressed to the class teacher stating the reason of the absence. Leave for going out of station should be approved of, prior to proceeding on leave.

5.    A student returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a doctor's certificate of fitness permitting him/her to attend the school.

6.    Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than six consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only after payment of a fresh admission fee.




1.    An optional transport facility is made available to the students. Students can avail the school transport, subject to availability of seats, for any particular area. In case the school transport is not available, the parents will have to make their own arrangements.

2.    Mid-Session withdrawal from the use of transport will not be permitted under any circumstances.

3.    Bus Routes charted by the school will not be changed. Change in routes is allowed by the transport in-charge only on written request from the parents (Subject to the availability of seats in that particular route).

4.    Transport fee is levied keeping the budget and all overhead expenses in view. Revision of transport charges is at the sole discretion of the school management.

5.    11 months' transport fee shall be charged.

6.    Lists of students and stops will be available in the respective buses.

7.    School Bus is a facility and does not entail any right to students and parents and any liability to school if the bus is late, does not reach, breaks down, has been sent on government duty or any other interruption like: social riots, road construction etc. In such cases, parents will have to make their own arrangements.

8.    Bus facility will not be provided during 'Extra Classes'.

9.    If a school bus user student leaves the school without informing the transport in-charge in writing through his/her own arrangement, the bus facility may be discontinued.

10.  No request of withdrawal for students studying in Board classes will accepted from January.

11.  The bus drivers are authorized to stop the bus only at the designated stops. Students using the school bus are expected to be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the arrival of the bus. The bus will not wait for late comers.

12.  Parents are required to pick up the ward from the designated stop. In case the parent/guardian is not there to receive the ward, the driver is instructed to bring back the child to the school.

13.  Students are expected to:

a)    Behave in a courteous manner. They will be penalized for bullying, shouting, unruly behaviour, or damages caused due to negligence and vandalism.

b)    Avoid throwing any trash/food inside or outside the bus.

c)    Not to distract the driver's attention.

d)    Be seated when the bus is in motion. Students are not allowed to stand on the footboard and they should not project any part of their body outside the window.

e)    Follow the instructions of the teacher in-charge. He/She has the authority to report any offence to the Principal immediately.

f)     Keep all the belongings with them. School management is not responsible for any article lost in the bus.

14.  Students using school bus are not permitted to travel by any other route, except the bus route that has been allotted to them.

15.  Bikes and Cars are strictly prohibited in the school.

16.  Students below class IX will not be allowed to use bicycle as a mode of transport to school.

17.  Parents are expected to follow these guidelines:

a)    It is mandatory for the parents to pick up and drop the child to the school on time.

b)    Parents who make independent transport arrangements for their ward by hiring Vans/rickshaws etc. will be solely responsible for the same. They must ensure that proper verification of drivers, rickshaw pullers is done and all safety measures have been taken to avoid any untoward incident.


They must ensure that:

a)    The vehicle is not LPG operated.

b)    The authorized driver has at least 5 years of driving experience and the police verification of the driver is done.

c)    The telephone numbers of co-parents are kept by each parent of students using that vehicle.




1.    Disfiguring or damaging school property or scribbling on school walls.

2.    Damaging, scrubbing or tearing pages from library books.

3.    Bunking School, Classes or Assessment Tests.

4.    Frequent absence without informing the school.

5.    Use of violence in any form.

6.    Using abusive language with peers or teachers.

7.    Bringing sharp and injury causing articles such as knives, scissors, cutters, etc.

8.    Using Holi colours/bursting crackers will lead to severe penalty in the form of marks deduction and suspension from school.

9.    Bringing civil clothes to school at any point of time unless prior permission has been granted by a teacher.

10.  Failing to comply with the rules and regulations issued by the school from time to time.

11.  Harming/Hurting: person, property, self.

12.  Carrying costly articles (like expensive watches, fountain pens, cameras, jewellery, etc).

13.  Smoking, gambling, drinking or using drugs. Misconduct, indiscipline and misbehaviour in school transport.

14.  If students are carrying excess money for purchasing something from the uniform shop or book shop, it should be intimated to the class teacher otherwise disciplinary action will be taken against them.


The following disciplinary measures will be adopted to maintain discipline.

1.    Any student found disobeying school rules would be given two verbal warnings.

2.    A written warning letter will be issued to the defaulter if discipline is not maintained after verbal warnings.

3.    If the student does not show any improvement, he/she will be suspended from the school for a week.






Keeping in mind the growing crime rate against teenagers, especially girls, we have generated a few under mentioned guidelines that students must follow in their daily lives:

1.    Students will not open facebook account before the age of sixteen. If it is found that any student has a facebook account, strict action will be taken against him/her by the school.

2.    Students must not divulge their phone numbers or e-mail ids to strangers, nor should they accept any friend request from them on facebook or any other social networking site.

3.    Students must be accompanied by their parents till the school gate in all school functions and carnivals.

4.    If for some reason, any student has to stay alone, he/she must not reveal about it to anyone except the class teacher/school authorities.

5.    Students MUST NOT accept a lift in the vehicle of any stranger. Be firm but courteous in saying 'NO' to them.

6.    Students coming for extra-classes or staying back after school must inform their parents/guardians about the timings and should go home accompanied by some one. It is advisable that you go to your home directly after tuition classes instead of going to some other place.

7.    In case any student finds that the driver or conductor of the school/private transport is inappropriately dressed, he/she must report it to the class teacher or the school Principal.

8.    Students must not tolerate the indecent or abusive language used, either from the driver or the conductor. Such behaviour must be brought to the notice of the school Principal. They should help in the smooth functioning of the school by informing the school about any kind of indecent behaviour by them in the school/private bus or any other place where they are present.




1.    Students must carry a Library Card duly signed by the Librarian as the books are issued only against this card. In case the library card is disfigured, damaged or lost, the student will have to pay a fine of R100.

2.    Students are allowed to borrow books on their own library cards only.

3.    Books are issued for a period of one week only.

4.    Books other than reference books are issued to students once a week on the day fixed for each class.

5.    If a student fails to return the book within the stipulated time without a valid reason, either the borrowing facility will be withdrawn for two weeks or monetary fine will be imposed on him/her.

6.    A student is issued only one book at a time. Returned book will not be re-issued to the same student immediately and the student must not lend the book to someone else.

7.    Students are expected to take care of the library books. Books marked, disfigured, damaged or lost will have to be replaced or paid for by the borrower.

8.    Students must maintain absolute silence in the library.

9.    Students are not allowed to bring their personal books or belongings to the library.


If a student is found violating the rules of library, he/she will be debarred from using the library for the entire academic session.




Indus Valley Public School (IVPS), a co-educational school affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, is located in Sector-62, Noida.

The school was ranked among the top schools in a survey conducted by the Hindustan Times and C-Fore, and adjudged the "School of the Future" by Education World in Indian School Rankings in 2012. IVPS has been awarded for being the best Public School in Primary and Secondary Education in Delhi, NCR region which was presented by the Royal Brands in association with “Delhi Aaj Tak” by the then honourable Union Minister, Govt. of India, Mr. Kapil Sibal. It has also been awarded for being among top 100 schools of U.P. and top 10 schools of the district in an online survey conducted by www.shikshaadvisor.com. The Award was presented by Mr. Ashutosh (National spokesperson-AAP and former Managing Editor, IBN7). Another feat was achieved by IVPS when the school was adjudged among the top ten schools in Noida on the basis of various parameters, in an educational survey conducted by The Times of India.
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Indus Valley Public School
Plot No. 1, Institutional Area, Sector 62,
Noida U.P. 201301 (INDIA)

T: +91-120-2401115
M: 8510048800, 9718642444
F: +91-120-2400060

E: info@indusvalleynoida.in
W: www.indusvalleynoida.in